Saturday, June 23, 2012


I woke up this morning to this message:

Britany, please pray for Christine and Sol Moghadam right now! They are in Accra Ghana with their 2 bio children, Ethan and Issac (4&6). They are in the process of adopting 4 children and thrown in prison. Not only were they put in prison, their own bio children were placed in a state run orphanage in Ghana!! We need all the help we can get to spread the word and if anyone knows contacts with the US Embassy in Ghana or other government agencies that can help, please reach out to them! Please pray for Ethan and Isaac as they sit in an orphanage not knowing the language and are probably terrified!!!!

I was speechless, floored. I have to be honest with you friends, my adoption morale is low…very low, and to wake up to this is almost more than I can bear. I have now learned that they are being accused of child trafficking despite their documentation. Please, please, face to the floor, pray for this family and their children. Petition for their immediate release and safety. Beg God to bring home their ENTIRE family, bio and adopted. Pray that the US Government will move into action and intervene. Church, arise and go to battle…we have no other choice.

While you pray, please spread the word, share with whoever you can. You may tell someone who knows someone who has the power to help.

You can meet this family here: and


Lorraine, AKA Forever Blessed said...Best Blogger Tips

Britany, the parents were released from prison yesterday and were reunited with their bio children. The 4 children they're in the process of adopting will remain in the orphanage until Monday when the government offices of Ghana reopen.

The family had copies of their adoption paperwork, not originals, so when a Ghana citizen called the police with a child trafficking suspicion, the police acted on it.

A great injustice has occurred, but praise God for acting quickly and fiercely to protect His children. Good will come of this, even when it seems impossible.

Keep praying for this precious family. For justice, swiftness in completing the adoption, and a safe and quick return home.

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