Monday, July 2, 2012

Where have you been?

The House of Krause has been caught in the middle of a whirlwind! I’m sure you are nodding right now, thinking, “preach it, sister!”. You too, huh?

So why, you ask, have I been so quiet for WEEKS…

Dylan’s Texas Rangers finished first place in the regular season and he was selected to play on the Blue All Star team. This, my friends, (in the 8 year old, Hays, little leaguer world) was a real big deal! It was the first year mom and dad allowed him to participate in All Stars so he was super excited.

Of course this took over our entire lives as he practiced every evening and played tournaments every weekend. If ever I suggested or tried to manipulate him into staying home, he would promptly begin whining and begging to let him go to practice. He just couldn’t get enough of it. 

My man child is a rock star on the baseball field, (side note: Yes, I gave birth to him. Yes, I play favorites), and he is so much fun to watch! Dylan played first base and left field all season so I was frustrated when the coach began playing him in positions he was new to. I soon had to shut my mouth as he became a great utility player for the team. My favorite position to watch him play was catcher. Napoli has nothing on Big D;)

The McArthur-Krauses are baseball fools so we were truly in heaven. We were blessed with a great team, fabulous coaches and super, awesome parents! However, we were all a little relieved when they finished out their season last weekend. Free is a great word to describe how momma felt! Yesterday, I saw Dylan was swinging his trusty imaginary bat. The poor boy looked at me, dropped his shoulders and presented me with the most pathetic pouty face. “Are you missing baseball, son?” He just nodded his head. It had only been a week since the boy’s cleats hit the field. He has the bug for sure.

Ella Bella is now an official graduate of the Hays Hills Baptist Church, Christian Learning Center. It’s so very hard to wrap my mind around. She was so proud to receive her Bible and certificate and looked fab-u-lous in her cap and gown. She is very ready for kindergarten and cannot understand why she has to wait alllll summer for that first day.

I love that she’s ready and excited but I’m discovering it’s me who’s not quite ready to let her go…Who in the world woulda thunk it!?! Of course, I’ve been doing the usual “Mommy Guilt” routine, thinking of all the wasted time, missed opportunities and minutes I wished away. All those sweet grannies I figured had just been blessed with the veil of forgetfulness, knew what they were talking about after all. I would love to have those days back…or at least a few of them!

Ryan coached Ella’s tball team this year. He was determined that his little girl would not be subjected to any harsh, crazy coaching and this was the one way to prevent that from happening. T-Ball 1 is the cutest thing you ever did see! I mean, preciousnes! The little cuties field their own balls, play in the dirt and force you from your seats with surprise home runs. Ella has announced that she will not be returning to the game which is sort of a bummer because the chic was really good! She could field great and played some awesome first base! (see previous side note) But, nope, she is certain the gymnastics world will suit her better…we shall see.



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