Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Paper Pregnant

I don’t know about you, but I’m liking this year’s Spring forward! It is dark and quiet in my house and I have just finished my Bible study…UNINTERRUPTED!(and without yelling at one of my children to “LEAVE MOMMY ALONE! I’M TRYING TO SPEND TIME WITH JESUS!”) While I had the rare opportunity, I thought I’d sip my coffee with you guys. We’ve got a little catching up to do!

When I first dove into the world of adoption, I began to see and hear the term, “Paper Pregnancy”. Until this last month, I had no idea what everyone in Adoption World was talking about. Now. I. Do. OMAGOSH, now I do! The beginning weeks/months of pregnancy are not always easy. You are EXHAUSTED like someone is sucking the life out of you. You feel as if you’re losing every single brain cell, one by one. You, most often times, feel as if you are going to toss your cookies or lose all of those Doritos you just binged on. I totally get it now, I am 100% paper preggers!

When I received my checklists for the home study and dossier documents, I couldn’t understand why it would take us 4-6 months to complete. They looked totally doable at first glance, but then you begin to paper chase. People, EVERY SINGLE STEP has been complicated. The problem tends to be that the world could care less that you are trying to save an orphan. You are just another person in a long line of people needing something from them. This has just about left me fit to be tied every day. COULD YOU PLEASE JUST WRITE THE DARNED LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT THE WAY THE ETHIOPIAN GOVERMENT WANTS YOU TOOOO!!!!???? “No, Ma’am, I’m sorry, we cannot.”

I read to Ryan while we drive. How else are we going to fit 9 books in? We have the 10 hour, online course up on our computers, at all times. We never know when we’ll have a spare minute to stop by and read a few lines, answer a few questions. We have t-shirts to design (and no idea how to do it, which makes it impossible), phone calls to make and fundraisers to plan. Oh yeah, and this thing we call life…it doesn’t stop. How rude is that!? It just keeps on spinning, at light speed, around you.

If there is ever a moment I’m not working on the adoption, it’s an intentional moment. I have to make myself stop and plug in to my family, friends, and the world around me. My brain is in overdrive and I have no idea how to slow it down. The urgency is really unexplainable. There is just so much to do in a specific amount of time and you end up wondering how you’re ever going to do it all.

Wisdom? Words of advice? Tips to make this process easier? DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DESIGN A MEASLEY T-SHIRT!? Bring it, people! Just in case you don’t have it: mckrause@hotmail.com …I’m only an email away!

Hopefully, I’ll have time in the VERY near future to tell you all about the exciting news on the benefit horizon! I’ve been teasing y’all for weeks. I’ve got to have some leverage to keep you coming back…I love you too much to lose you now ;)




Lindsey said...Best Blogger Tips

Hey! I remember those days...it will all get done! I think satan likes to get us discouraged by putting all these road blocks in the way, but you'd think he would quit after everyone just keeps on keepin' on!! I'll be praying for you guys!!!

Also, I designed our t-shirts. And here's how I did it....I looked at other people's designs, took the parts that I liked and then put my own twist on it. I Googled a picture of Africa and just kind of went from there. I made my design and then the guy that did our shirts changed it all crazy to his own design and I had to fight to make him do it how I wanted to do it, but it finally got back to as close as we could get it to my original design. I don't think most people are like that, though.

So, all that to say, just Google an image of Africa (if you want that to be on your shirt) and go from there. Find a verse that you want to share with everyone if you want that to be the main part of your shirt. The sky's the limit, really. And I did all my stuff on Picnik, which doesn't exist anymore, but I think you could do the same sort of stuff on Picassa. Email me if you have an questions or want to chat more! :) lindseycrock@gmail.com

Lindsey said...Best Blogger Tips

Oh and I forgot, here is our t-shirt!! http://almcrock.blogspot.com/2011/11/t-shirts.html

Krohn Family said...Best Blogger Tips

I hear ya girl! You will get through - you will survive - and God will change your life along the way! I designed our shirts from an online company - Rocky Mountain Shirts http://rockymountainshirts.com/Rocky_Mountain_Shirts It was super easy, they have LOTS of products and colors to choose from. You build it how you want it, submit it, approve it, and they ship them out to you. You can take a look at our shirt designs on my blog at krohnjourney.blogspot.com.

Good luck! Keep your head up and keep on keepin' on!

Unknown said...Best Blogger Tips

I appreciate the encouragement SO MUCH! I will check these out, thank you!

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