Thursday, March 1, 2012

No victory here for you

I hate satan. I hate that he is a liar. I hate that he seeks to steal, kill and destroy. I hate his every scheme and his every attempt to ruin the testimony of the followers of Jesus Christ.

Every single step I have attempted to take towards bringing Little Krause home this morning has been thwarted by that stinky serpent. My girlfriend who is adopting a precious little boy with special needs (and who, without her, will most likely suffer and die at a young age in an orphanage)is jumping what seem like impossible bureaucratic hurdles with the TX government for ONE FORM!  Yes, I am aware that that was a run-on sentence with poor punctuation.

Another girlfriend, is FINALLY getting closer to bringing home 2 adorable boys home from the Ukraine. Both boys have down syndrome and have lived their lives in an orphanage. They were about to be transferred to an ADULT mental/psychiatric facility to live out the remainder of their lives when Lorraine and her husband began to fight to make them theirs.

These little boys are 6 years old but are the size of TODDLERS. When I opened her blog this morning, this is what I read: Conner (age 6 years 7 months) is in pretty sad shape(see photo). He is so tiny, skin and bones. He is refusing all food and liquids. He won't drink from a straw, cup, sippy, or bottle. We're using a syringe to force water down his throat. Please pray that he'll hang in there and we can get home Saturday to get him medical help. He's happy, just won't eat or drink. :-(

These stories coupled with all the road blocks I have come up against, have left me frustrated and exhausted this morning. Those who had the misfortune of being in my presence today have most likely written me off as a lunatic. (Please, do NOT repeat this to any known social worker or government employee!) To say I have been discouraged is an understatement.

Here is what REALLY gets me. I know how the enemy works. I’m hip to his game. I hate how he works but what I hate most of all is when I buy into the lies he whispers in my ear. I hate when I am too weak in my flesh and I give him any ground at all. (like when I rant on FB and spread my ugly everywhere) I hate it when I allow him to discourage me and I am not discerning enough to recognize these attacks and CALL HIM OUT. Shame on me.

Um, who is my God? Who has all the glory, power and honor, forever and ever? “I AM” is my God! YAHWEH is my God. GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN ME THAT HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD!! I will NOT allow satan to have the victory because my God has already won.

Here is where you come in. The most powerful and the only offensive weapon given to us is the Word of God, it is our sword. I am asking for your prayer on behalf of my friends and on behalf of those answering God’s call to adopt. I am asking that you pray specific scripture OUT LOUD over all those on this journey of adoption. The devil cannot read your thoughts, say them out loud.  He wants nothing more than to see us all fail. He loves that there are 147 million children desperate for a family, for love. Please, join me in prayer today, please, add this to your prayer list.

I so often feel powerless when made aware of difficulties, illness, loss, indescribable pain. I so often want to “do” something, help in some way. It is in these times I forget that I can do something. I can get on my knees and pray.

What could possibly be more powerful than taking it all to the mercy seat of our very able God?


Brittni and Daniel said...Best Blogger Tips

AMEN!!! Power of prayer is amazing!! I too have been faced with defeat this week. Was hoping we would plow through raising this $1500 that needs to be turned in with our adoption agreement. But we are barely making it...Im thinking were almost there but wont know until March 5th when all our fundraiser forms are turned in.
We have had every door shut on us it seems when it comes to fundraising. I try and continue to remind myself every second I get, that God has called us to this and he will provide. But its beginning to get to the point where Im like "Okay God, how are you going to do this?" Our church has refused to promote our adoption to the church for any type of fundraising, and wont allow us to use their name when trying to get booths at Walmart,etc for Bake Sales and such. And none of the stores will allow us without our church. My work has refused to allow me to try and do any fundraising at work or to co-workers. So in the town we live... we have not had much support. I keep wondering how hes going to do this, but its not for me to know. He will do it! I dont need to worry about it or try to figure it out, he's got it! So know that you're not alone... apparently Satan is not liking that adoption is catching on with people. Just verifies that much more, that we are greatly impacting His Kingdom! And Satan is threatened!!! Like you said the other day... we must remember why were fighting, if we dont fight for our child.. who will? That has stuck with me ever since reading it.... I am so thankful you shared that!

kmp said...Best Blogger Tips

If it was not God's will to have a special child in your life Satan not care, and would not try to stop you! Hang in there!

Steph Cherry said...Best Blogger Tips

You beauty through brokenness is breathtaking. Press on.

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